Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sinterklaas is back in Jakarta

Every year Sinterklaas comes to visit the Dutch children in Jakarta with his helpers de 'Zwarte Pieten'.

Celebrating Sinterklaas is a Dutch tradition, during which kids get presents and pepernoten....if they have been good.....
For Ayla the whole thing was pretty scary. This was the closest she dared to get to 'Zwarte Piet'

The Big day is actually December 5th when The Sint celebrates his birthday. However during the weeks leading up to his birthday, the kids can put their shoe out at night and hopefully one of the Zwart Pieten will come by at night and put a present in it.

Noah is totally into it and has been nervous for a while about the old man's visit. He has been counting down the days until finally he arrived last Saturday.
You can imagine....these are exciting times for Dutch kids

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