Friday, June 8, 2007

Noah 'graduates' from Prep Reception

Noah had his first 'graduation' ceremony this week. He succesfully finished JIS Prep Reception.
He has had a very good school year and had a smooth transition in January when he moved from the Dutch school to JIS.

He has definitely grown a lot this year and learned so much! It's pretty amazing how much these little ones already know.

He loves going to school and especially loves his teachers Juf Margie at NIS and Miss Annette, Miss Eki and Miss Arti at JIS.

Here are some photos of the end of the year party at school. The kids sang a song, did a performance for the parents and proudly showed their parents their work.

Well done, Noah! What a great year!

Jumping in Bintaro

A lot of JIS teachers live together in a part of Jakarta called Bintaro. Sue and I lived there too during our first year in Jakarta. It's some kind of compound with tight security and nice facilities. The only drawback is the fact that it is far away from.....everything

Anyway, the Geurtens live there too and occasionally we visit them. Noah loves to play with Shayna and to chat in Dutch with Rob.
They recently purchased a trampoline for all the kids out there and of course our kids had to try it out.

Needless to say that they loved it....especially Noah. Ayla actually preferred to hang and swing underneath the trampoline