Friday, October 15, 2010

A few more Noah soccer pictures......

UN Day Performance

Ayla participated in the UN Day performance for the USA.
She was very much into it....was really fun to watch!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

UN Day 2010

The kids had UN Day today @ JIS. This is always a special day and kids wear things from their home countries.

Our kids are from different countries....according to them.....when you ask Noah where he is from...he will alsways say HOLLAND. When you ask Ayla....she will always say AMERICA>. Interesting, huh? No idea where that comes from.....

So today they dressed up as.... Dutch (Noah) and American ( Ayla) and Vietnamese (Sue).

Team Netherlands

In the JYS ( Jakarta Youth Soccer) league Noah plays this year for the Netherlands.
I have been coaching the team with Doudou, who is the father of Noah's best friend Bachir. It has been a lot of fun to work with these kids. We have a few more week to go in the season which ends in November.
Here are some photos of last Saturdays match when we beat Brazil 3-2.