Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Once a week Ayla has ballet class at the Dutch school. A few weeks ago Sue and I went over to see what it was like. It was so cute to see those little ones , dressed up and doing their routines.

Ayla and Papa

Our Ayla can be the sweetest thing in the world, but boy.... but she can be moody and angry too.

I love her to death, but I could really do without the attitude!


Arsenal in Jakarta

Noah has been playing for Arsenal Jakarta Football Club since November.
Every Sunday morning they practice and play small games from 8:30-10:00. Some of his best friends ,like Matisse and Bashir play as well and it's amazing to see how much they have all improved in a few months.

I actually enjoy these Sunday mornings too...I have coffee, order breakfast and have a chance to read my newspaper. Not a bad way to spend your Sunday morning.