Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Party

Every year for the past 6 years we have been celebrating christmas at the Chamberlain's residence. It's always a special party and the kids love it because Santa comes and he brings presents for everyone!

This year the tradition came to an end...... Unfortunately...for us..... the Chamberlains are leaving JIS. We wish them all the best in Geneva !

Noah's Christmas Show

Noah was in his first big show last week , when he performed in the PIE ' Show of Lights'.

It was really nice to see him on stage singing and enjoying himself .

Are we witnessing the first Sietsma (besides my mum) who actually has some musical talent?

Doubt it!.............but who knows? Time will tell!

Ayla's New Best Friend

After the Christmas Party at the Chamberlain's, Ayla told us that she has a new best friend.

It's Rob, aka Grandma!

Check Out the pictures and you will know why !

One of the reasons why we all love Rob!

Monday, December 15, 2008


Check out our cute little posers!

If they are in the right mood, they take great pictures, but unfortunately they are not always like this......

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Noah Turned 6

Believe it or not, but our little man turned 6 last week.

For his actual birthday on Tuesday he choose to go to his favorite restaurant Pizza Hut just with the 4 of us. His Birthday Party was on Saturday when 8 little and very loud rascals came over to the house for a pool party.

Check out the photos!

Monday, December 1, 2008


T-Ball season is here! Soccer is over and T-ball started 2 weeks ago

For those of us, who have no idea what T-ball is....It's basically Baseball for little kids. They hit the ball from a stand (called a 'T')and run the bases, just like in real baseball. There is a batting team and a fielding team and each game ends in a tie (to keep all the kids happy!)
Noah plays for the Angels and seems to enjoy far. As long as he can be active and spend time with his friends he is usually happy.

Diploma A

For the past 2 years Noah has been going to swimming lessons every week at the NIS .
In the Dutch swim system you can first get your swim proficiency certificate. If you get that you can further develop your swim skills by getting diploma A,B and C.

Last Saturday Noah was tested for Diploma A and ......he made it! It was not easy, but he did great. There were 10 kids to do the test and he was one of the youngest ones.
Some of the requirements were : swimming fully dressed 1 laps of breast stroke and 1 lap of back stroke, 2 laps of breast stroke, 2 laps of elementary back stroke, 1 lap of freestyle , 1 lap of back crawl, 1 minute water treading, diving from starting block and underwater swimming for 10 mtrs.

Well done Noah!