Monday, January 25, 2010

X-Mas Break-2

After Christmas we flew to Singapore to celebrate new year's eve and to have some medical check ups done.
We had a great time and ended our vacation with a week of R&R in Bali.
Since I didnt bring my camera to Singapore I can only show you some Bali pictures....
WE did some really cool things such as parasailing and jetskiing. Was pretty cool! Kids loved it!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

X-Mas Break-1

For Christmas we stayed in Jakarta this year.
On Christmas Day the kids were up at look for their presents. They were so excited that we had no choice,but to get up with them.... They found out that Santa had been very generous this year.....Lucky, lucky kids!
In the afternoon we went for a fantastic brunch at the Four Seasons Hotel.
Food and company were excellent! ( We went with the Kerrs and the Koltais).

We just love going to these brunches!